Make Money Quick With 5 Simple Ideas

Most of us are always looking for ways to earn more money. We might need a few bucks to pay some bills, or want a little extra cash to pay for Christmas presents, or want to increase our savings account, or maybe we are looking for a bigger change and want to start our own business.
You are only limited by your creativity and effort. There are lots of ways to earn a little extra money if you put your mind to it, and there is always someone willing to pay you for your effort if you can help them out.
Here are a few ideas to get you started earning a little extra cash:
1. Sell your stuff. Most of us have lots and lots of stuff just lying around that we either don't need or don't want. The saying that one man's junk is another man's treasure is true, and there is always a buyer for that old computer, unused bicycle, books, or electronics.
· Have a garage sale. Who doesn't love a good yard sale?
· Around our house we have lots of sporting goods. There are specialty retail shops that will buy athletic equipment, or other specific type of items you may have. Consignment shops, or used clothing boutiques, or the local used bookstore are great places to find
· Sell your items on Craigslist. In most towns Craigslist is a great way to buy and sell all types of items. You can find buyers for business, cars and boats, and for small items like toasters and Frisbees. There is also a FREE section where you can help out someone by giving some of your stuff away, or maybe find some things to replace the stuff you sold.
· eBay can be another great place to sell your items. In fact, many people will buy from their local garage sales and turn around and sell the items on eBay. This is an auction type format so there is a chance that two or more bidders drive up the price and will help you get a premium for your item.
2. My wife always says "it doesn't hurt to ask" usually just before she embarrasses me. But, why not simply ask your boss for a raise? The worse they could say is no, and if you are a good employee they will probably be open to listening to what you have to say.
· Be prepared. Make a plan of what you are going to say and practice how you are going to say it. You will want to describe your accomplishments and make a strong argument why you deserve a pay raise. Go for it!
· A similar approach is to ask for more hours, another shift, or ask whether there some type of extra work you could do for the business. There is always something that needs to get done, by showing this determination and drive you will make a good impression with your boss.
3. Freelancing is another great way to make some money. What are you good at? What skills do you have? In exchange for providing the skills you possess you can get paid from someone looking for those skills.
Make a list of all of your skills, list everything that you are good at. Do a little research and determine what skills of yours would give you the best chance to make some extra money.
4. We have several friends that provide customer support for businesses by working from their homes. This is a great way for a stay at home mom to make a little extra money while the kids are at school, often all you need is a phone and maybe an internet connection. Wear you PJ's to work!
5. One of the best ways to make extra income is by starting your own business. These days it costs almost nothing to get started if you create an online, internet based business. Turn one of your skills or hobbies into a lucrative part-time or full-time business. Spend a little time on Google researching different ideas that you come up with.
These are just a few of the ideas available to make more money, whether you only need a couple of bucks or looking to earn more cash each month. Use these to get you started and pointed in the right direction.