Bedroom Design child fantasi

From children' fantasy themes to bold architecture. Meet twelve modern bedroom designs ideas that shows your place to dream can also be a dreamy place.Those living in small spaces have to be creative about dividing up the space, but putting up screens only gets you so far. This ingenious bedroom design is an entire loft bedroom that securely hangs from the ceiling, providing a sleeping space that makes use of high ceilings. Positioned as it is within this particular room, the loft still leaves enough room for adults to stand up beneath it, but is low enough to easily walk into from the elevated portion of the space.


 This one was designed to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bedMost parents want to surround their children with books, but most don't take that advice quite so literally. This bookcase bedroom designed by Point Architects in Tokyo is a great example of a Japanese approach to space-saving interior design: why have walls or bookshelves when you




